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Report on children in migration 2019

What are Member States and Norway doing to protect the rights of migrant children who arrive in their countries? What systems are in place to ensure swift identification, adequate reception and effective guardianship? EMN report maps the progress made by Member States and Norway in 2019 in the implementation of the recommended actions laid down in the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration, with a view to further understanding progress made in the implementation of the Communication’s key actions.    

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35th Bulletin

The EMN Bulletin provides up-to-date information on recent developments in migration and international protection at EU and national level.  35th edition contains information on key development milestones for the period from April to June 2021, which also includes statistics.

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34th Bulletin

The EMN Bulletin provides up-to-date information on recent developments in migration and international protection at EU and national level.  34th edition contains information on key development milestones for the period from Januar to March 2021, which also includes statistics.  

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33rd Bulletin

The EMN Bulletin provides up-to-date information on recent developments in migration and international protection at EU and national level.  33rd edition contains information on key development milestones for the period from October to December 2020, which also includes statistics.  

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EMN study on long-term irregularly staying migrants

This study explores policies EU Member States use to navigate situations where third-country nationals face long-term legal uncertainty, such as cases where a migrant no longer or has never fulfilled conditions to stay, are denied a residence permit, or whose return decision cannot be enforced. Often decided at the national level, policies are sometimes contradictory in trying to strike a balance between fulfilling national migration policy objectives of preventing illegal stays while providing access to basic services and rights. The study also assesses the impact COVID-19 has had on such policies and decisions in reaction to border closures and the…

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Ad-Hoc Query Labour Market Test

The labour market test (LMT) is implemented and applied in most of the EU Member States. Member States apply different methodologies in undertaking LMTs. Some categories of workers can be exempt from the application, reflecting the specific national situations and priorities. Starting from 1st of January 2021, the quota system for issuing work permits for employment of third-country nationals in the Republic of Croatia has been replaced by the labour market test.

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Annual report on migration and asylum 2022

Based on the contributions of the EMN National Contact Points, the report provides a comprehensive overview of national developments in the area of migration and asylum during 2022 in the EU Member States, Norway, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Armenia. The most significant event that marked this period was the influx of people escaping…

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Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes

Conflicts in different world regions have led to an increase in migratory movements to neighbouring countries, with approximately 72% of refugees and forcibly displaced persons in 2021 being hosted in developing countries. This has created an imbalance between developed and developing countries as well as resulting in people seeking alternative places of refuge through risky…

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41st Quarterly

The EMN Quarterly provides up-to-date information on recent developments in migration and international protection at EU and national level. The 41st edition contains information on key development milestones for the period from October to December 2022, which also includes statistics.  

Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), extreme weather events, such as abnormally intense rainfall, prolonged droughts, heat waves and cyclones are linked to the displacement of approximately 20 million+ people annually. Despite the fact that more people are affected by climate change, it is difficult to directly link environmental degradation to…

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Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia

Statelessness is a global phenomenon, preventing those concerned from accessing fundamental human, civil, political, economic, social and cultural #rights. Marginalisation and discrimination are frequent consequences. The updated EMN inform focuses on statelessness and its implications in the EU, Norway and Georgia. By providing an overview of the countries’ policies and measures, it enables a better…
