EMN Sweden Presidency Conference

Sweden will be holding the EMN presidency conference on 11-12 May 2023, entitled Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. The aim of the conference is to explore the impact of climate change on global migration patterns. It also aims at discussing what could be done in the future to address…

Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia

The updated inform explores how EU countries, Norway and Georgia are determining statelessness, the nexus of stateless status and the issuance of residence permits, as well as the impacts on particular groups such as (unaccompanied) minors. The inform discusses: lack of harmonisation of statelessness determination procedures, rights granted to recognised stateless persons, challenges faced by…

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Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia

Statelessness is a global phenomenon, preventing those concerned from accessing fundamental human, civil, political, economic, social and cultural #rights. Marginalisation and discrimination are frequent consequences. The updated EMN inform focuses on statelessness and its implications in the EU, Norway and Georgia. By providing an overview of the countries’ policies and measures, it enables a better…

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Inform on accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection procedures

Children who migrate with their parents face unique challenges and vulnerabilities. That’s why it’s crucial that their right to express their views is fully implemented in international protection procedures. This inform provides an overview of how the right of accompanied children to be heard is being implemented in EMN Member Countries and Norway, including good practices, challenges,…